Gangula Gudem Village Water Well

Dedicated on February 24, 2018 @ 4:19 pm

  • Population: 1200  
  • Rate of Literacy: 40%
  • They always have a dry climate and in the summer it is very hot with temperatures reaching well over 100 degrees each day
  • Church in this village: Yes, it is a small hut church
  • # of Believers: 20
  • We estimate this well will be used by 150 people per day
  • Responsible for Maintenance and upkeep: Evangelist Prabhudas

GPS Coordinates:

16.39048, 81.15933

Mandal: Pedana
District: Krishna
State: Andhra Pradesh
Date of Dedication: February 24, 2018 @ 4:19 pm

They would have to travel 5 miles to go to a tank for drinking water. Most of the time they would have to ride bicycles to get the water, but sometimes they would walk. Once they got back they had to take the time to boil the water before they would drink it. The government came in and put in a water tank nearby but it is not working, when they get water it tastes really bad. This water well will help provide good drinking water. They were all praying God would bring water to their village.