Slovakia Team (left to right): Emma, Tina, Charles, and Janet

"8 days after the Berlin wall fell, years of nonviolent protests culminated in the resignation of the communist regime. After this 1989 event known as the "Velvet Revolution," the country of Czechoslovakia struggled to find its economic footing. Years of corruption and oppression were still sending shockwaves through the country. One of the results was the "Velvet Divorce," which split the country into two: Czechia and Slovakia.

Today, Slovakia still struggles with unemployment, especially in rural areas. Those in the Roma minority group have the highest rate of unemployment. Some feel their only option is to continue living off of government assistance. Others see education as the only source of hope, to the point of elevating it over God in their lives. Many have forgotten that reason and morality are necessary to use that education in a truly productive way. We want to teach students how establishing a solid Biblical worldview can enrich their lives and enable them to benefit their society."

-Slovakia Team


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Transformation, Equipping and Fellowship

Transformation, Equipping and Fellowship
TEF is our motto. Our main goal is to see people transformed into the image of Christ, equipped as committed followers of Jesus Christ, and to make opportunities for fellowship of like-minded believers (for the encouragement and building up of the church).

Empowering Disciples Course

Summer Camps

We offer English and Worldview camps for various ages, teaching not only English but also equipping the students to navigate today’s world and the culture they live in. Our desire is to awaken a longing for something more that can only be satisfied in Christ.

Weekend Retreats

Weekend retreats are for anyone who is interested in getting away from the hectic pace of life in order to meet God in a deeper way. We offer times of learning and discussion as we seek to know God better through study, music, worship and prayer. We will also offer an introduction into worldview thinking and God’s perspective of every area of life.

This retreat in the beautiful mountains of Slovakia will be a time of spiritual, physical and mental renewal. We are open to discussing any deep questions or doubts you may have about life, God or other topics. We want to meet people where they are in their spiritual walk, then encourage and equip them to grow in order to better influence their world around them. 

There are many scenic mountain hikes in our area that you can choose to take during your stay. Enjoying God's creation is a wonderful opportunity to clear the mind and refresh the soul.

Email to find out how you can be a part of a mountain retreat!

Intensive Seminars

All-day Biblical Worldview seminars take place at various times throughout the year. Participants are invited to attend just for the day or as part of a weekend retreat. The seminars are for people who desire to know God on a deeper level and to engage with the culture they live in. Our goal is to equip them by providing in-depth training in Biblical Worldview.



We welcome interns looking to serve for 1-3 months (or up to a year in specific instances) in Slovakia.

Please email us at for more information about internship requirements, application and more.

What Your Internship May Include:

  • Teaching English and Bible to kids
  • Serving alongside us in the physical side of ministry such as cleaning, cooking, yard work, maintaining the ministry center, building projects, etc.
  • Sharing musical or artistic abilities
  • Part of your internship would include immersion in Biblical worldview learning (books, discussions, participating in seminars etc emphasizing God's perspective on everything)
  • Using other giftings and talents (please contact us regarding your specific field of study)


We would love to answer your questions about internships, weekend retreats, our ministry and more! Please email us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Janet Baldis:

Tina Baldis:





Interests and Hobbies: Books, history, puzzles, cooking, gardening, enjoying my dog and three cats

How Others Describe My Strengths: Reader and researcher, Organizer (of teaching details in all areas), Available to serve

Favorite Thing About Slovakian Culture: "The hospitality of Slovaks has impacted me the most. Whenever they visit, they bring a gift. Whenever we visit them, they offer so much to eat and drink. They always make sure you get enough."

Favorite Quote: "The church may not be content simply to bring the gospel to the lost. Instead, its primary calling is to lead those the Lord calls into a deeper understanding of God’s intentions, from which the entire plan of salvation arose; and to lay the firm connection between Jesus and those who are saved, which is not complete at conversion, but only begins there.” - Abraham Kuyper 



Interests and Hobbies: Reading, long walks, gardening, cooking, sports and games, good conversations

How Others Describe My Strengths: Motivator, visionary, and administrator.

Favorite Thing About Slovakian Culture: "Since we arrived shortly after the fall of communism, we observed a quality of endurance and strength in the people because of their suffering. This has eliminated much of the shallowness that Western Christians tend to have. Our family has been greatly influenced by these Slovak Christians."

Favorite Quote: “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” -Charlie Tremendous Jones


Interests and Hobbies: Books, History, Studying and learning, playing guitar, walking the dog

How Others Describe My Strengths:  Steadfast, Jack-of-All Trades, Wise Expositor of God’s Word, Servant-Leader

Favorite Thing About Slovakian Culture: "Because of the oppression of the communist regime people in  this society didn’t know who they could trust.  This caused them to value family much more as these were the people they knew well and could trust. I admire their strong family ties."

Favorite Quote: “People function on the basis of their worldview more consistently than even they themselves may realize. The problem is not outward things. The problem is having, and then acting upon, the right worldview – the worldview which gives men and women the truth of what is.” -Francis Schaeffer