Kakarawada Village Water Well

In Loving Memory of Darlene Haberer

  • Population: 1,500 people    
  • Rate of Litercy: 65%
  • They always have a dry climate and the summer temperatures can reach 120 degrees
  • We estimate this well will be used by more than 80 families (200 people) per day
  • Pastor Uchula Ashirvadam is responsible for the upkeep and maintenance

GPS Coordinates16.406278 , 81.140556

Mandal: Mudinepally
District: Krishna
State: Andhra Pradesh
Date of Dedication: February 24, 2018 @ 6:08PM

They had to go 1 km outside the village to get water from a well with a rope and bucket. It was a clean water source so they did not have to boil the water.

They were praying that God would send them water and God answered their prayers.

It will help them with cooking, drinking and cleaning. It will save them time each day going back and forth to get water. Many in the village would go 2-3 times a day to get water from 1 km away. Some would go by bicycle sometimes.

Pastor Ashivarvadam has been in this village for 36 years. There are 300 people a part of this church. It was a CSI Church. The pastor was not at the well dedication. It was a good size churcha.