Neelavaram (Neelagonda Veedi) Village Water Well

Special Thanks to Justice Tire

Delivering What Matters Most

  • Population: 130
  • Rate of Literacy: 20%
  • They always have a dry climate and in the summer it is very hot with temperatures reaching well over 100 degrees each day
  • Church in this village: No
  • We estimate this well will be used by up to 130 people per day
  • Responsible for Maintenance and upkeep: Ulugula Suryareddy

GPS Coordinates:

17.52536, 81.90212

Mandal: Gangavaram
District: East Godavari
State: Andhra Pradesh
Date of Dedication: February 26, 2018 @ 1:08 pm

They formerly got water from the nearby stream but they had to boil it before they would use it. Even still, many of the people were getting sick. Water was their greatest need. They have been praying for water. Because of this well, they will no longer have to suffer and hope they don't get sick from contaminated water.