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Our Global Partners family is blessed to care for over 250 children in south Asia and Haiti. Your sponsorship will help provide necessities like food, clothing, education, and medical care for a child in need. Learn more on this page, click one of the photos below or visit our database to view all children. 

View all 61 children waiting for a sponsor or view details about your current sponsored child in our database:   SEARCH NOW

HAITI  Since June 2016, our Haiti Associate, Amber Hasson, has been the director of the Rév Home for Haitian children and youth. The home has since separated into a main home for younger children/older girls, and a Transition Home for older teen boys. As all kids are gaining formal education, the teens are making additional preparations for transition into adult Haitian life.

SOUTH ASIA  In 2003, God allowed us to partner with 3 caretakers who had opened their homes to children in their villages. Soon, many were bringing children to them from desperate situations and the caretakers could not turn them away. We now have over 250 children and teens in residential or daytime programs at 8 locations throughout Southern Asia. Through our small business training program, older teens are learning skills which will help them break the cycle of poverty as successful adults.

While local leaders are the heartbeat of our child sponsorship program, children also love to hear from their sponsors. Corresponding will help you feel more connected to your sponsored child.  Letters are special treasures for your child that most keep for many years. Letters serve as a reminder that someone loves and cares for them enough to invest in their lives through prayer, time, and resources.  

Letter Writing Tips

 General Tips for Writing Letters:

  • For easy translation, please keep it brief.
  • Please write in English only.  Our interpreters will translate letters into the child’s native language.
  • Correspondence between you and your child will take time.  We forward sponsor letters monthly to be translated and delivered to the child at their home (this process could take up to another month).
  • You are welcome to send new letters before getting a response to the last one you sent. 
  • Although we request our partners ensure children write a response letter/draw a picture, replies are not guaranteed. 

 Things to Talk About:

  • Tell about yourself and family, including pets and activities you enjoy. 
  • Send pictures of yourself and family. Please consider cultural standards of dress and appear modestly (for example, bathing suits or beachwear is not appropriate).
  • Provide a general description of where you live. Do not give specific addresses. 
  • Encourage your child in their walk with the Lord.  Share your favorite Bible verses and what God has been teaching you recently.
  • Encourage your child in their school work, studies, milestones, and successes. 
  • Send a postcard from places you have lived or visited.
  • Talk about customs for special holidays, such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, and birthdays.

 Things to Avoid:

  • Giving out personal contact information (home or work addresses; phone numbers, or email addresses)
  • Talking about material possessions. This emphasizes differences in culture.
  • Suggesting your child visit the U.S.
  • Slang or American cultural references that would be difficult to translate or understand.
  • Asking your child what type of gift they would like from you.
  • Anything that contradicts God’s Word.

Mail a Physical Letter or Package

NOTE: The opportunity to send a physical letter or package to your sponsored child depends on us having a team trip to India scheduled in the near future. Please contact to find out if sending a mail package is an option at this time. 


  • Please fit everything you want to send in a 6” x 9” envelope.
  • Please include items your child is able to share with the other children in the  home. 
  • NEVER send cash or checks directly to your child.  If you would like to do something special for your child’s birthday or other occasion, send a check to Global Partners (or give online) designating the special gift.  It is more cost effective for the caretakers to purchase a cake and other party favors (balloons, etc.) in their country. They can host a special party in honor of your child and possibly other children who have a birthday around the same time.
  • Please send your package directly to our address below. When the next team leaves for that country, we will send your package on the plane with them. 
  • Please clearly indicate your child's  name, home name, & ID number

Items to Send: stickers, pages from coloring books, pencils, hair ribbons, paper airplanes, small notebooks, colored pencils, handmade items, bookmarks, small puzzles, pictures, postcards, greeting cards

Items Not to Send: jewelry, crayons, expensive items, money, anything that can melt, anything liquid, perishable, fragile, or electronic such as battery-operated toys


Send your letter or package to:

Global Partners in Peace and Development

PO Box 117

Blue Ridge, VA 24064

send e-letter now

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Christmas Gifts

CHRISTMAS  is a season of joy and generosity. Sponsors have an opportunity to donate an additional $35 so we can provide a gift for each sponsored child. If you are not ready to become a sponsor, consider a one-time donation of a Christmas gift for an unsponsored child. With these pooled funds, each child is given a new set of clothes and shoes, toys, school supplies, personal items, and candy. 

Unsponsored Children

We combine funds for efficiency and fairness to each child. One-time gifts help us keep community center programs open to children waiting to be sponsored.

Manage or Update Payment Method (For Existing Sponsors)

New sponsors can choose a child in the child database and set up a gift by clicking "sponsor this child." 

EXISTING SPONSORS whose card information has changed may create a new automatic payment by clicking here to log into their donor account. If you have any questions about canceling an old payment method, signing into your donor account, or creating a new recurring gift, contact

Maintenance Needs for Centers

Although child sponsorships provide for each child's basic needs, education and care, maintenance and repair often go unattended due to lack of funds. 

You can mention a specific project in the comments box or say "where most needed"


Auto Rickshaw ($3,636.00) For transporting children to and from school at the PDT Home. 

FAQ: South Asia Sponsorship



Can I sponsor more than one child?


Am I the only sponsor for my child?


What kind of benefits will my child receive?

Your monthly gift helps meet the diverse needs of your child:

  • Physical (food, clothing)
  • Emotional (group activities, outings)
  • Mental (school and homework help)
  • Spiritual (Biblical teaching)

What about unsponsored children?

The combined support of all sponsors is sent monthly to each home. We would never feed one child and ignore an unsponsored child living with them. All children are special and should be treated equally. Through the combined efforts of sponsors like you, we are able to meet the needs of every child in the program.

Why did my child come to the Children’s Home?

Some children are at the home because one or both parents have passed away and living relatives are not able to provide for them. Other children have 2 parents who are not able to provide for them. Most children with 2 living parents come for school, after school activites, and food, and spend the night at home.

Will I receive progress reports/pictures of my child?

Each year, we take a new picture of your child, send you an updated picture, and post additional pictures on our website. We will also send updates throughout the year via email and mail. You can search for your child and see the updated information using the Search For A Child  portal.

Can I write my child or send my child a gift?

Yes! You may write electronically, by mail, or by email: Specific details for sending a package or letter to your child in India are detailed in the Writing To Your Child Section. 
Your letter is a great encouragement to your child and helps them feel significant.You can write your child a letter to tell them about you, your family, and to let them know you are praying for them.

Will my child write to me?

Once we receive your letter, it is translated into the child’s native language. The majority of our children in India are not able to write in English, so the response letter is also translated. Please expect about a 2-3 month period before you hear back from your child.

How can I give a gift to my child for Christmas?

Each Christmas, we ask sponsors who are able to donate $35, above their monthly support, to purchase a gift for their child. With these funds, we purchase each child a new set of clothes and shoes, toys, school supplies, personal items, and candy. The children receive their gifts on or before Christmas Day.

Can I visit my child?

Yes! Please see our GPartners Trips page to learn how to travel with us to meet and spend time with your child.

*Note, all travel opportunities are subject to restriction or cancellation due to COVID-19 regulations worldwide. It is uncertain when GPPD teams will be able to return to India.

Can I bring my child to the United States for a visit?

No; we do not believe this is in the best interest of your sponsored child. There are several reasons for this: the inherent danger of sending a child alone to travel, language barriers, culture shock, and difficulty of the child's readjustment to their own lifestyle.

Can I adopt the child I sponsor?

As much as many of us would love to adopt our sponsored child, this is not possible. Many of the children live with their families and attend the community centers during the day, but for those who do not, our homes and community centers are not registered for adoption. These children are the future leaders of the country of India. 

Do you take credit cards?
Yes. You can pay with a credit card during checkout after you choose a child to sponsor. The automatic payment option is a quick and secure way to send your support.
Can I pay directly from my bank account?
Yes, please go to Click “Bank Account”in the payment section to enter your account information. You can also use your online banking by choosing us as the payee. Contact us for help with this method.
How can I pay by check?
Please make checks payable to "GPPD" and send to PO Box 117–Blue Ridge, VA 24064.
Q: Can I send more than one month’s amount toward my sponsorship support?
You may send support in advance monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually.

Will I receive a reminder when my child's support comes due?

No. However, if your support falls behind after a few months, we will contact you regarding continuing sponsorship. 

What if I can no longer be a sponsor?

We understand circumstances change which may affect your sponsorship. If you are unable to continue monthly support, please contact us so we can find another sponsor for the child. 

What if my child moves or leaves the program?

Your sponsored child may have to move from the community or withdraw from the program for another reason. Usually, a child will leave the home because a relative is now able to care for the child. Older sponsored teens leave the program after graduating to seek further education or enter the workforce. If your child is no longer at the home, we will contact you as soon as possible and give you the opportunity to transfer your sponsorship to another child in need.


FAQ: Haiti Sponsorship