Join us on an AMAZING ADVENTURE by “traveling the world” without leaving your hometown! Through interactive team challenges, you will navigate difficult real life situations and decisions many around the world face daily. The day will be packed with:

  • Immersive global experiences to stretch how you see the world
  • Fun team challenges for all ages
  • Delicious International Foods
  • Bible and Missions Sessions led by experienced teachers

  • WhenSaturday, April 29, 2023 from 8am-5pm
  • Where: St. John Lutheran Church – 4608 Brambleton Ave Roanoke, VA 24018
  • Cost: Free

SIGN UP HERE - Global Challenge at St John Lutheran Church

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What ages can attend?

This event is designed primarily for adults and youth to step outside their comfort zones and get a glimpse of what life is like for many people around the world. We will not provide any childcare, but young children are welcome to participate alongside their parents.

What do I need to bring?

A pen, a notebook, and a heart willing and eager to hear from God! 


What about food and food allergies?

Please eat breakfast before arriving. Lunch will be provided.

There is an opportunity on the sign up form to list any severe allergies that you may have. 

DONATIONS - Global Challenge at St John Lutheran


Amount: $

This event is free to attend thanks to St. John Lutheran Church. Any donations made here will make an impact for people in need around the world through Global Partners in Peace and Development.